How We Can Help
Sharing Our Expertise
A Wealth Of Knowledge Available To Download
We have dedicated our careers to improving the
lives of animals whenever and wherever we can.
Sharing Our Expertise A Wealth Of Knowledge Available To DownloadWe have dedicated our careers to improving the
lives of animals whenever and wherever we can.
Over the years we have documented our pioneering efforts to enhance animal care and welfare through an extensive list of papers, articles, chapters, and conference presentations. With the launch of our new book, we have gathered together a number of our original papers, many of which presented our “firsts” and served as the basis for our ongoing efforts. See our Resources page for free PDF downloads of many of these publications.
Decades of Experience
Positive Reinforcement Training
AE is a true pioneer in demonstrating and promoting the use of positive reinforcement training techniques to improve the care and welfare of captive animals. We led the way in the use of training to gain animals’ voluntary cooperation in husbandry behaviors and medical procedures, to enhance their social behavior, and to improve their physical and psychological well-being. Training is both art and science. Guiding staff through a step-by-step process of building the skills needed to be an effective trainer is what we have always done best. We speak from experience gained over decades working with just about any species you’d find in a zoo, rescue center, or sanctuary.
Protected Contact Elephant Management
AE developed protected contact (PC) to be a fully functional elephant management system, with 2 primary objectives: animal welfare and human safety. Our final product achieved both. Because of that, the world has embraced PC. We have assisted many many facilities throughout the world in converting their traditional elephant management programs to PC, to the benefit of animals and people. We provided practical low-cost solutions for facility modifications required to implement PC.
Behavioral Management Program Development
Behavioral management is a systematic approach to providing optimal animal care and welfare. It is pro-active, holistic, and incorporates four major processes:
1) Positive reinforcement training.
2) Enrichment
3) Problem solving
4) Assessment
Since we introduced this concept to the animal community, we have assisted many facilities in developing and implementing a behavioral management program specifically designed for their animal population and staff needs.
Enrichment is a highly effective tool in addressing three aspects of welfare: mental health, behavioral health, and physical health and fitness. It doesn’t require a set of advanced skills to do enrichment well, but just like training, enrichment should be purposeful and designed and implemented for a specific goal. The more formal and comprehensive the program, the greater the benefits for all animals. Working with Valerie at Shape of Enrichment promoting regular and effective enrichment for all species and all individuals, was truly a joy.
Problem Solving
As concerned trainers and caregivers, you need the ability to face a problem head on, understand it thoroughly, choose the most appropriate and effective methods to address it, and implement those strategies to achieve the best possible outcome for the animal. The good news is that our papers and new book provide an organized, step-by-step process to do exactly that.
Animal In Research
AE led the way in the application of positive reinforcement training techniques to improve the care and welfare of primates, dogs, and other research animals. Recognizing the unique needs of these animals, we have helped research, centers, pharmaceutical companies, and laboratories to improve the lives of countless animals through the application of positive reinforcement training to reduce stress and to gain the animals’ voluntary cooperation in events ranging from daily husbandry and veterinary treatments to research procedures.
Companion Animals
The information presented in our new book that is designed for exotic animals in zoological facilities can also be applied to a wide range of behavioral issues with domestic species. With a commitment to using only positive techniques, behavioral problems are addressed with the dual purpose of improving the care and welfare of your animal friend, and the best possible experience for you.
Companion Animals
The information presented in our new book that is designed for exotic animals in zoological facilities can also be applied to a wide range of behavioral issues with domestic species. With a commitment to using only positive techniques, behavioral problems are addressed with the dual purpose of improving the care and welfare of your animal friend, and the best possible experience for you.
One of our favorite avenues for sharing information has always been through Workshops. They bring a variety of people together, from many different places, for 4-5 days of sharing and learning. Our Workshops always include a behavioral management perspective and an overview of animal welfare. They are well known for their mixture of positive reinforcement training and enrichment, and the hands-on opportunities to do both. They are also renowned for being reasonably priced and serving really good food in copious amounts.
We always take our Workshops seriously. After every one, no matter how many times we’ve taught it (some more than 20 times) we do a thorough debrief to critique and explore how we can improve the participant’s experience. We believe in direct, candid self-assessment in our continuing effort to grow and improve ourselves and the information we share.
The following Workshops have been developed and taught repeatedly at host facilities throughout the world. Some have been translated into other languages including Mandarin, Spanish, German, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Thai.
- Primate Training and Enrichment Workshop
- Advanced Primate Training and Enrichment Workshop
- Protected Contact Training and Enrichment Workshop
- Training and Enrichment Workshop for Zoo and Aquarium Animals
- Southeast Asian Animal Enrichment and Training Workshop
- Advanced Positive Reinforcement Training Workshop
- Animal Behavior Research Workshop
- Animal Training for the Zoo Professional, Certification Course (Singapore)
- Positive Reinforcement Training for Avian Species
- Positive Reinforcement Training for Dogs